Wow it has been a minute since I've been on here spilling my thoughts onto this electronic mode of communication to the masses. what can i say, life tends to sidetracks you. In any case here we are now in 2010, new year, new country, new city, new school, new life. A whole bunch of newness. I don't believe in New Years resolutions so I'm gonna just say that, I'm going to TRY to keep this blog up and running. I'm not exactly sure yet what its spose to be exactly but, bear with me while i figure it out. This year looks like its gonna be an interesting one so I'm going to try and document it as much as possible.
Ok, enough rambling from me.
if you haven't already seen/heard/ been aware of the devastation in Haiti then you've obviously been living under a rock. There's many organizations out trying to make certain provisions for Haiti, One in particular Every Drop Counts, is based out of Chicago and they are a group of young artists and activists in Chicago who came together with the goal to raise funds in order to send filtration equipment that will provide sustainable, clean bathing and drinking water (Thus, the name Every Drop Counts.)
(I pretty much copied and pasted that from their website) but In any case, the cause that they are working for is immense and what they are doing is monumental. They're having a show in Chicago on Jan 31st 2010 and all of their proceeds are going to get clean drinking water into Haiti.
Help. Support. Aid.
that's what being a human is all about