Please Don't stop the Music

Good Music can always put you in the right frame of mind I find. To put it simply, its perfect. It's not just the thing that I turn on when I need uplifting, its the actual soundtrack to my life. I swear at any given moment a full on philharmonic is playing Beethoven's 9th over my everyday movements. This is how I view music, as very integral part of my world, its like breathing to me. So in saying all of that I always LOVE when I can 'breathe' new music. All types will suffice non are excluded, here is some music that i recently started to add to my 'soundtrack'..

Danami is a dude that goes to my college. He's Not one of those run of the mill hip hop artist who's a carbon copy of every other rapper that came before him. No, he's poetic, he's lyrical, he's deep, he has meaning to everything he says, even his beats speak to you. This mixtape is one of the best I've heard. It sounds like it should be a professional release. To call this a mixtape is a definite that case I'm just gonna go ahead and say that this is just his pre-album..So download it!

Donwill from the amazing hip hop group Tanya Morgan released his solo mixtape. To put it bluntly and simply, its the best. Warm beats, concise lyrics, perfectly put together songs. Its very aesthetically pleasing piece of music.

anything that I say in reference to this album will be an understatement. So I will just simply say words that I hope will provoke some sort of response that will even dignify the recognition this collection of music deserves. Amazing, pure, passionate, driven, heart infused, love, classic. Nneka is that artist the world has been crying for. This album was a need, it surpassed that of want.

Always Love

In spite of hurt, pain, travesty I find that there's always some for of love floating around. The presence of disaster with its quality to suck the life and happiness out of things always seems to make extra room for love in lives. And in recent weeks, we've seen that in abundance with many Haiti relief efforts. This song, video, performance is one of those things that remind me of the power of love. It surpasses all, and of course above all God's love is never far and is always present. Love this song.