My friend Flora Duffy is an athlete...shes a Great athlete, and at last year she qualified and competed at the Olympics in Beijing. I went to HIGH school with Flora and I'm just sooo amazed that at 20yrs old she was already fulfilling a lifelong dream..that's like me being nominated for a Grammy right now...ILL...so yeah anyways, i was soo psyched that she was in Beijing and although she didn't win, I took so much just from her being able to travel to Beijing to compete in the OLYMPICS and represent BERMUDA!!! that, jus really made me want to work harder, strive harder, do more so that I can too, be fulfilling lifelong dreams, so stay tuned, many great things should be coming out of me soon!
And of course since I try to find the art in everything, i have to see what she does as an art...athletic art i guess. lol. she's a triathlete, so like an artist she practices her art, training all the time so that she can one day be the best, and then one day she has her art put on display for the the world to see...she competes, against the best athletic artists in the world. And has the talent, and strength to roll with the best of em!
Sadly i think i was working the day of the opening ceremony in Beijing so i did not see the opening ceremony (i knoooo soo wack) so i watched what little of it is on youtube, and of course i was in LOVE with the thousand plus drummers!! SICKNESS!!!
so yeah, my buddy flora, the artist, the athlete, the Olympian...I'm looking for you, London 2012!
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