Gonna Be a Lovely Day...

Ok. soooo much about today in my head that I want to put down on paper...well...screen. ha ha. anyways, Today...sigh, today was absolutely beautiful.

Ok so 1st I went to Sook's church..and wen i say the msg was for me I MEAN it!. it was about having faith, and obeying God no matter how the stakes look, no matter how the dire the situation looks, or how it may turn out. Take a Leap of faith, and listen to what God tells you to do, no matter how absurd it may sound... Y'kno sometimes, we look sooo much at the green grass on the other side of the fence that we don't see how green our own lawn is...kno wat i'm saying. Strive for what you want, but be content with wat God gives you..ok i kno i sound all over the place, but, i'm got alot of thoughts swimming around in this head of mine.
2nd my baby niece was born today, weighing in @ 7lbs 5 ounces, she came into the world @ 12:15 am May 2nd....another beautiful addition to my family. (well techinicallly since she was born @ midnite she should have been first on the post...oh well u get the picture)
3rd I went to the Aeolians concert and MANNNNNN they blew me away!! talk about ANOINTED!! the cncert was so beautiful, i was in actual tears by the end of the show, that last song touched my heart...mann...it was a beautiful day...and today just made me think a whole lot, about decisions that i have to make, things that i should be grateful of, and lastly reminded me of the absolute beauty that God placed in this world for me to appreciate..

--Post Titled after Kirk Franklin's song


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